Thomas Kirk MEng DPhil | | GitHub
- 2017 - 2021: DPhil Biomedical Engineering, Oxford University
- Holder of the Bellhouse scholarship, researching new MRI methods to improve the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
- 5 publications, 1 patent and 5 software modules released.
- Separately, was involved in two Covid-19 response projects (see employment below).
- 2013 - 2017: MEng Engineering, Economics & Management, Oxford University
- First class honours, winner of Millard scholarship and Knox prize for best degree result.
- Specialisms in biomedical and information engineering, macroeconomics and game theory.
- 2007 - 2012: Dulwich College, London
- 3 A at A2 level, 7 A* at AS level, 11 A* at GCSE, attended on scholarship.
- 2022 onwards: Research Fellow in Physiological Imaging, University of Nottingham [current]
- Leading the formation of a joint medical imaging spin-out, have completed a 6 month BBSRC ICURe incubator
- Responsibilities include identifying routes to market, establishing commercial partnerships, and appliying for seed funding from Innovate UK.
- 2021 onwards: Co-founder and technical lead, [current]
- Solo development effort for a free-to-use service to optimise Covid-19 vaccination for housebound patients
- To date, has reached over 50% of UK housebound patients and been adopted by the UK Army
- Project supported by Microsoft, JHubMed (UK Strategic Command) and Oxford University Innovation.
- 2020: Systems integration lead & Chief morale officer, OxVent, Oxford
- Oversaw system integration for Oxford University’s emergency Covid-19 ventilator, of which the UK Government ordered 6,000 units.
- Also responsible for design verification data analysis, system calibration, and authoring multiple technical documents submitted for MHRA and FDA authorisation.
- Partnered with Smith + Nephew UK for manufacturing, worked closely with their operations team to reduce manufacturing time down to 45 seconds per unit.
- Project was awarded the 2020 Global Challenge innovation award from the Institute of Engineering and Technology.
Programming skills
- Experienced in Python (Django, Pandas, Tensorflow, Cython), Ruby (Rails), MATLAB and Unix.
- Proficient with web deployment on Heroku
- Intermediate level Bash, Swift and C/C++.
Skills, awards and interests
- Native French speaker, dual French and British citizen.
- Winner, 2020 Institute of Engineering and Technology Global Challenge innovation award for work on Covid-19.
- Winner, 2016 OxTALENT award for prototype anatomy teaching app for medical students at the University of Oxford: see page 9 in PDF
- Winner, 2014 Sladen essay prize: “Should governments pursue growth or happiness?”
- Alumnus, 2012 Arkwright national engineering scholarships.
- Winner, 2011 Shalheveth Freier international physics tournament in Tel Aviv.